Saturday, July 3, 2010

In Progress: Weekend in Stockholm Throw


I think it's safe to say that I'm slowly gettin' over this project.  :-/
So just to shake it up, I've started to assemble the blanket.

So far, I'm loving it!

Seeing it's potential has now motivated me to power through and keep at it!

It's the colors that I love the most. 

So bright and vibrant!

Yay for color!


  1. Thank you for your video on row 2 for the Weekend in Stockholm Throw. I want this to be my next project. I'm pretty new to crocheting and I have been researching how to make the squares before I start (I am easily confused by instructions!)Have you made a video on how to crochet row 3. I would love to see it. Thanks!

  2. Hi @southern girl! Thanks! I just posted the second video with row 3 (round 3) and hopefully it's helpful! This project works fast, once you get it going! Good look and let me know how it goes! :)

  3. I've been working on this same throw for about 3 months on and off. So far I have 22 squares finished. It's taking forever, but the end result is well worth it! ^_^

  4. @spiralmewtrix: It is worth it! :) I can't wait to hear how yours turns out. Post pics if you can! Would love to see it! :)

  5. SOOO Grateful for your you tube tutorial on this pattern.. I was utterly lost before I saw it! I am hooking along pretty good now and am borderline ignoring my kids to get this baby done. Been making a goal of 4-6 squares a day for the past week. Just did my first stitch EVER a month ago so this is my first afghan :) Hope she turns out good!

    1. LOL! Yes! I know how that is! Knitting before dinner and laundry! :) I'm so glad to hear it's coming along and that's awesome that you are powering through! Send a pic and/or let me know how it is when it's done! It'll be beautiful! :)
